Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Dear people as you read this I will be at Our Lady of Lourdes church in my servers alb waiting for Father Felix to arrive. Did I mention that me and Rogan started serving at Mass about 2 months ago and have been doing it every Sunday? No, I don't think I did. Well, anyway back on subject: All I wanted to say was MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On Stranger Tides Trailer!!

Below is the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer set for May 2011 release!!!!!
157 days to wait!!!! Its AGES!!!!

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The below photos were taken when we went to Mozambique last Saturday. From left to right: Braedon, Kynan, and Me on top of the roglom zwagzotee (a famous African building that is 80 metres high) with African gwandoo trees in the background.

No, just kidding that's Braedon, Kynan and Me on the topmost part of our roof with gumtree in the background last Saturday when we were cleaning out the gutters.
In fact it was the first time I've been on the roof, but Kynan and Braedon have done it countless times. Kynan and Braedon were simply cleaning out the gutters when I was asked to get something from the garage for them and the next minute I was asked to help "Up top".
Somehow no one managed to tell Mum that three of here sons were round about 8 metres  in the sky pulling leaves, branches, and other such stuff off the roof.

Then Vellvin then came outside and Kynan shouted down to here to please get the camera joking it would make a good Facebook profile for his facebook page. Vellvin then ran inside and got the camera. Mum still didn't know we were up there using our initiative tiding up the rooftops. Vellvin then took a few pictures of us on top of the roof.

Then we come down after finishing the gutters and tell Mum where we've been for the last hour at which she is somewhat surprised and annoyed that she was in ignorance that we were up on the roof and her fear heightens when Kynan tells here cheerfully that 20 people die every year from falling of rooftops in Australia.

Possing: "We rock!!".
Liking the view.
"We rock some more!!!"
May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm of to see it!!!!!!

In three hours, at 12:30 I will be sitting in the movies watching the opening credits to C.S. Lewis's  The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!!!!! Yes that's right, Australia gets The Dawn Treader before ANY other country on the whole planet!!!!
Not going to brag and annoy the heck out of everyone who is not in Australia to watch this mostlikly-to-be-awesome-movie. Just kidding I am: HAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm gonna go see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!!!! In your face. I know I'm mean. :P
We watched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe last night and we are about to watch Prince Caspian if my sister Autumn would hurry up and come!!!
We're playing it now. gotta go.

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Finally, 367 days after seeing it at the movies with Mum, Vellvin, and Arwen, we have finally got A Christmas Carol on DVD!!!
It was awesome at the movies, not to mention it was in 3-D so when Scrooge  flies over rooftops and such with the first ghost the the snow appeared to be moving towards you and you half believe your going to get a snowball in your face!!!!!
So take a wild guess what movie we'll be watching tonight with dinner?

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Birthday........ To MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to me!!
Happy birthday to me!!
Happy birthday dear Saxon,
Happy birthday to me!!

Today is my 111th birthday!!! just kidding, 14th. still only 97 years till I will be 111.

I'm now gonna have to stop this post as Dad is telling me to go to bed. But I will do a post soon on what happened today. We've just finished the final episode of the BBC Robin Hood for the first time.
The ending was quite sad: Robin dies, Gisborne dies, Gisborne  may have been a evil man at many points in his life but he died a hero. And Robin, Gisborne and Archer fought as Brothers in Arms.
So the Sheriff is dead, Isabella is dead and Robins gang are going to continue to fight for England!!!!

As Robins Gang would say: "For England!!! We are Robin Hood"!!!
May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Prince of Persia.

Last night I watched Prince of Persia with Mum and some of my siblings. And it was AWESOME!!! (if slightly mind-boggling).
The main character, who's name is Dastan, is VERY athletic and fit to do all the flips, jumps, leaps and other cool stuff he does.
Me and Vellvin especially liked the guy (cant remember the name) who is the leader/boss of the people in The Valley of Slaves. He was sooo funny, and you find out he doesn't lead a band of cutthroats but just lives in the Valley of Slaves to avoid that dreaded thing called TAXES.

One of the best scenes is where Dastan is scaling a wall with his small band of men and climbs up using just a poll, crossbows and arrows.

All in all it was a really good movie.

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Vellvin!!!

Happy 12th Birthday Vellvin!!

I hope you liked all your presents, very cool presents,  even though your new Camp Rock 2 soundtrack is getting a bit repetitive. Okay, a lot repetitive.
And yes your new Taylor swift CD is pretty good too.

And I will eventually read your Squires Tails- sorry just kidding- Squires Tales books. Mostly just because of the cool covers :)
Also are you going to share some of those chocolate coins with me?

And all your other presents are awesome.

Don't forget who's birthday is next: Mine!!!!!
So, yet again: Happy Birthday VELLVIN!!!

Happy Birthday love,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cool Quotes.

Here's a few awesome quotes.

"Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither."~ C.S. Lewis

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."~   C.S. Lewis

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite. ~ C.S. Lewis

"All that we do without offering it to God is wasted,"~ Jean-Marie Vianney

I do not love the bright sword for it’s sharpness, nor the arrow for it’s swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

The Saxon is not like us Normans, His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, "This isn't fair dealings," my son, leave the Saxon alone. ~ Rudyard Kipling

"...the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. [...] Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists." ~ Pope Pius X (awesome quote)

Mum showed me the Saxons and Normans quote one days when I was feeling grumpy and very low, she certainly knows how to cheer up someone. Thanks Mum!!!
May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

 Finally its been  almost normal since Wednesday morning. That was when four exhausted siblings arrived home after 10 days on the Mainland.  Now everything seems normal again- Kynan and Braedon coming home from work every afternoon, Autumn on the computer when I want to use it, and Eden reading a book when shes meant to be doing schoolwork or a job :)
The reason  why their exhausted is thus: Well, I my last post I forgot to mention (yes, I forget lots of stuff) that three of those ten days was spent on The Christus Rex Pilgrimage and after walking heaps there were totally tired. 
So Thursday was sleep in reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaly late day for them.
They also brought a great friend who will be staying for a couple of weeks.

 Well, I better go to bed now, its past 1:00 A.M. just finished watching the last episode from the first season of Robin Hood. Need to watch some more.

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

 Well its been kinda boring for the last  4 days, on Friday afternoon Kynan, Braedon, Autumn, and Eden left on The Spirit of Tasmania for a 12 day holiday/trek interstate.
Until 10 mins before they left it was absolute packing, confusion, and chaos. Just kidding, no chaos, only a tiny bit of confusion but a MOUNTAIN of packing.
Its a big change having me as the oldest child here. All my life I've had the 4 of them to give advice and encouragement, but now its my turn....... at least for 12 days.
So if your reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly bored, missing siblings and just can't think of anything to do what is a better pastime then to watch 

Star Wars is soooooooooooo awesome. This time we're watching them in order and us kids managed to persuade Dad and Mum to watch the new trilogy with us. They both prefer the original, while  us kids like the new one better.
Yesterday we finished  Revenge of the Sith (it took a while longer then it should because the littler kids wanted to know "Why is was Pamae dead." or "Why is Anakin a bad guy") and are planing to  watch A new hope today.

Its still kind of hard to get that two men- like brothers to each others at the start- eventually try to kill each other and that Anakin can be so evil.

My rating for the two Star Wars trilogy's is: 95% awesome and 5% not so awesome.
The 5% bad is because watching Star Wars may make you go blind due to overexposure to 'Pure Awesomness' :D

Below is a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith, this scene happens right after Obi-wan and Anakin crash-land on The invisible Hand, General Grievous's flagship, at the start of the movie.

Watch with full screen

Don't ya like the sign language?

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On Stranger Tides

Below Captain Jack Sparrow tells you what might possibly happen in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Only 219 days till it comes out!!

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Be amazed, and literally don't believe your eyes!!!
How many legs has the elephant got?

Move your head closer and further and closer and further away from the screen.

Look at the small black dot in the middle and soon the bits of colored fluff will disappear before your eyes!!

This is probably my favorite. Look at the black dot in the centre when the image is yellow and blue then keep looking when it changes to grey, if you don't move your eyes the picture appear to be in color!!!

Count how many BLACK dots there are.

Read this out loud. Remember to read all seven words.

If you stare at the blinking pink dots, you will see only one color, pink. If you look at the the + in the center, you'll see a circle of pink dots and a rotating green dot. Now, stare at the + without moving your eyes. The pink dots will disappear and you will see only a rotating green dot.There really is no green dot and the pink ones don't really disappear. 

 The "I love Paris in the springtime" one worked on everyone I tried  it on. no one noticed it had two "the"'s!!

May your Sword Stay Sharp,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm back!!!!!

 Yes, after a very fun LOTR week I am now back to post on A Knights Quest.
Here's a quick run through of whats been happening around here.
*Warning. Totally random stuff coming up*

Random fact #1: Just to let you know, this is not a random fact, it is a boring fact because all it is telling you is that it is not a random fact but in fact a boring fact.

Random fact #2 On yesterday morning began the start of that stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, (If your wondering there are 84 stupids. Well, here's a few more) stupid, stupid, stupid idea by the name of Daylight Saving .(or was it the end of daylight saving?)
I believe its such a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, (That's 32 stupids) idea!!! Winding the clock backward or forward just  for the sake of confusing people. Also, if some poor guy forgets  to wind his clock back on a Sunday night I didn't think he would enjoy arriving at work an hour late. (I don't think his boss would be happy either) And that means that for about half the year you technically   go to work, school etc. an hour early!!!

So to put it quickly ( even though I did a total of 119 stupids) I think daylight saving is STUPID!!!

Random fact #3 On Saturday when Dad, Mum and most of my siblings  came home after clothes shopping  (a very boring activity) they also had bought something else. That something else happened to be
                                              The first five episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars!!!!
Me and Vellvin especially have been wanting to watch The Clone Wars series for quite a while.

We watched all five that night and now we REALLY want to see some more!!!!

Random fact #4 We have also been watching the 2006-2009 Robin Hood series. 
There pretty good with lots of  sword fighting, sabotage, archery and action. I like Robin because through all the episodes he's absolutely dripping with sarcasm and of course he's pretty handy with a bow.
Much is soooo funny because out of all Robins men he is the worst complainer, always looking at the bad side of things and is always hungry!!

The sheriff is quite funny too, even though in real life he is one of those people you'd hate!! He has a certain sense of style; doing everything in a calm and stylish manner (except when Robin hood does something to annoy him, then he just yells his head of).
Alan A Dale's pretty cool.
Marians awful, she was done well, its just her character.
And I also hate Sir Guy of Gisbourne.

Currently there is a debate in our household about which is more entertaining: Robin Hood or the other TV series we're watching, Merlin.

 Currently I probably like Robin Hood more. Vellvin is a loyal Robin Hood fan while Rogan prefers Merlin.

Random fact #5 Our cat by the name of Cupcake (I know, unusual name. Mum's idea) has had kittens. There's four of 'em. And there has been arguments over which ones are males and which are females because Dad and Mum only want to keep the female  one(s) because males are know to run of and never come back. So at anytime during the day you might hear something like this: "We have to keep this one, she's so cute." "We can;'t keep that one, it a boy!!" "Its a girl. Trust me I know all about cats." "Yes, but do know all about kitten's?"

Cupcake and kitten's
Well that just about sums up my life for now. See ya!!

May your Sword Stay Sharp,