Mission Briefing for 18Th/2/09 A.K.A. Ash Wednesday
Get up, see Kynan and Braedon off to work and make morning tea quickly.
Have breakfast then do school work while Mummy, Autumn,Moran, and Arwen go to Moran's blood test.
Do more school work.
Get ready to go to Ash Wednesday mass at 12:00.
Go to mass.
Come home and do more school work.
Finnish school work and go play for a while.
Help get dinner ready.
Have dinner, do family stuff and go to bed.
MISSION REPORT (and this is true!!)
Got up, saw Kynan and Braedon off, and made morning tea.
Have a late breakfast and found out that due to it being a fasting and abstinence day I could only have a small part of the breakfast I usually have.
Did not get around to the same amount of school work I usually do.
Mummy and the others were nearly late for the blood test.
Mummy and others come home and I only just got ready in time.
Went to mass and had the cross on the forehead and so on, then just as the deacon just after Communion and the Deacon was giving communion to incapacitated people and just as he is about to walk past us (we sit on the front pew) Eden suddenly collapsed to the floor tripping the Deacon (no need to worry about him he was only 90 years old!!)Mummy, me, and Vellvin rush to Eden and start to help her to the side door which was only a few feet away, as we are about to open the door Eden once again collapses luckily a doctor was at mass and he came over and took over checking here and there and so on. Mean while father Felix finished the mass and an Ambulance was called and the doctor talked to the Ambulance people and gave them all the info they needed.Meanwhile the presbytery's secretary offered to take some of us to the presbytery, so all of us went to the presbytery except Mummy, Arwen, Eden and I who was still lying half in, half out the church.FINALLY the ambulance arrived and they did the the usual ambulance stuff, then a 2nd ambulance arrived and they got her in a stretcher after deciding that she needed to go to hospital for some tests. So, Mummy and Arwen go in the car and followed the Ambulance that was taking Eden to the hospital, while I walked to the presbytery. There the others had been having lunch with the secretary, Maren and sister Carmel, after being let in I told them what was going on with Eden ,had a piece of bread and then we all settled down to pure BOREDOM.3 hours later Velvin and Rogan were both throwing up, the little ones were bored stiff and we had to be quite because Maren and sister Carmel were working on some kind of newsletter for the parish or something.finally Mummy came with Eden and Arwen to pick us up.Eden looked much better.We were so happy to go home, the presbytery did not have one board game or PG or G rated DVD.
We finally got home and by then Vellvin, Rogan, and Eden were all sick. so me and Autumn were the only people who could help with the 3 sick people and the 3 rowdy little kids while Mummy tried to settle Arwen.The big boys then come home from work and find a house full of chaos and no dinner whatsoever planed, let alone cooked.
Me and Autumn were stuck with dinner clean-up and were up quite late doing it.
Though not many people know but 3 years ago on Ash Wednesday I fainted in church.Pretty nice coincidence, isn't it?
May your Sword Stay Sharp,
8 years ago
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